Speed records
Czechoslovak manufacturer of full composite airplane SHARK and composite aircraft parts.
30th June 2015 - FAI World Speed Record. Shark - 303 km/hour. Congratulation goes to France, Shark's dealer Eric Barberini.




World speed record FAI RAL2T on shortest 15 km distance was improved on 15.9.2012 by Gilles Michell & Lisa Cador, to 285,78 km/h on Shark 003.






We are proud to inform you, that our french partner Mr. Eric´s Barberini speed record flights 15, 50,100, 500 km were officially recognized by French Ultralight Association FFPLUM (www.ffplum.com) on 27th January 2012. Speed records documentation was passed to FAI, to be offically recognized as a World Speed Record in UL category.