And we are really surprised!
Really, Rotax 914 does not have some sense for smaller flight levels, because installation of turbocharged engine brings higher cost, higher weight and lot of next complications - and if we will be not able to install supercharger inside of existing Shark's shape, it will bring next aerodynamic drag of needed "bumble" for turbocharger ... and its bigger air intake. But at 10 000 ft altitude, diffenence of TAS speed is around 50 km/hour - and max horizontal speed at 20 000 ft touch 350 km/hour!
But at 10 000 ft altitude, diffenence of TAS speed is around 50 km/hour - and max horizontal speed at 20 000 ft touch 350 km/hour! Although they are theoretical analysis only, calculated by experienced aerodynamicist Pavel Pištěcký - I am afraid, we cannot leave this potential ability of Shark aircraft.
This potential new value is here: